Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Festival of Light and Gratitude

The Museum of Joy is having its very first event! Inspired by the fact that Thanksgiving and the first day of Hannukah fall on the same day for the last time in fifty thousand years, we're throwing a Festival of Light and Gratitude in the form of a luminary-lit labyrinth constructed at San Francisco's Baker Beach. (The labyrinth party was actually the idea of dancer Natalie Nayun, who is co-hosting the Festival. She's a pretty luminous presence herself, as you can see here.)

Labyrinths are the MOST AWESOME. Here's a lovely 
sunlit turf labyrinth in Yorkshire, England for your 
visual delectation. Photo by Simon Garbutt
Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.
The Festival is absolutely open to the public and everyone's invited! It starts at sundown on Friday, November 29th at Baker Beach in San Francisco and goes until all the candles burn out -- which, this being Hannukah and all, could be a VERY LONG TIME INDEED. There's a Facebook event, of course, and you can RSVP and learn more there.

We're super excited to be able to host this event, and we're hoping to make it a yearly tradition. Come walk the labyrinth, see the sun go down in splendid flames, and give thanks for whatever it is that keeps your light burning through the long dark.
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